Took branches of palms and went out
to meet him, crying out: "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in
the name of the Lord!" "Blessed is the king of Israel!" John
12:13 NIV.
This event occurred a few days
before the trial and the crucifixion of Jesus, when he entered into Jerusalem,
mounted on a donkey. Jesus was glorified on that occasion as a king and was
fulfilled more a prophecy about you (Zec 9:9).
Many people followed Jesus because
he did wonders. There was a lot of anxiety by a leadership that would lead the
people to freedom with power and authority. These things irritavam the
Pharisees who have started to plan the death of Jesus.
However, Jesus well knew the human
nature and what was their mission, and probably some of the people who were
shouting in the streets of Jerusalem: Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the
name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel! In the trial of Jesus when
questioned by Pilate "wish that I release 'the king of the Jews?',
shouted: "He doesn't! We want Barabbas!" (Jn 18:39-40). This such of
Barabbas was a crook.
My beloved, we should rejoice always
in the Lord Jesus and glorify your name with our life, because he is our
Redeemer, Salvador and King. When we allow our human nature predominates we are
rejecting the Jesus and choosing Barabbas that represents all the wickedness of
our being that distances us from God.
Remember: God is good and his love
endures for ever.
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